
4 Stages of Life | Needs, Gaps & Skills required

4 Stages of Life | Needs, Gaps & Skills required  Introduction India has given '0' (Zero=nothing, empty) to this world. India is also known for its many distinguished mathematicians like Aryabhata.  In Hinduism religion(the main religion of India), there is a special marking of time called Ashrams (Stage/Phases of life). Throughout the year, Hindu celebrates special moments of life and things related to certain stages in life.  source: These stages are called “ashramas” and every man should ideally go through each of these stages: Brahmacharya ( The development stage):  Bachelor, student phase of life Grihastha (flowering or Blossoming stage ): – Married life phase and duties of maintaining a Household Vanaprastha  – Retirement phase and handing over responsibilities to next generation. Sannyasa(Culminating ,  the fruitful stage)  – Phasee of giving up material desires and prejudices. Wandering Ascetic Stage source: https://alexan