4 Stages of Life | Needs, Gaps & Skills required

4 Stages of Life | Needs, Gaps & Skills required 


India has given '0' (Zero=nothing, empty) to this world. India is also known for its many distinguished mathematicians like Aryabhata. 

In Hinduism religion(the main religion of India), there is a special marking of time called Ashrams(Stage/Phases of life). Throughout the year, Hindu celebrates special moments of life and things related to certain stages in life. 

source: www.hindufaqs.com/4-stages-life-hinduism/

These stages are called “ashramas” and every man should ideally go through each of these stages:

  1. Brahmacharya (The development stage): Bachelor, student phase of life
  2. Grihastha (flowering or Blossoming stage):– Married life phase and duties of maintaining a Household
  3. Vanaprastha – Retirement phase and handing over responsibilities to next generation.
  4. Sannyasa(Culminatingthe fruitful stage) – Phasee of giving up material desires and prejudices. Wandering Ascetic Stage

source: https://alexandraepple.com/project/stages-of-life/

Life Journey vs Destination

In modern times also, the basic concept of life still revolves around these stages. Since life is a journey and not a destination as we assume in our primary days. one needs to be a scholar of life, to the good analyst, to various life phenomena and speculate and farsight the future and its aims/targets from a long perspective. One shall live the previous stage and get ready for the next stage as early as possible, as the inherent quality of animals (including humans) is being lazy, selfish, and greedy. In today's internet age, one is more susceptible to fall for wrong things, or get delayed or have inadequate learning of life and can ruin his precious life, which he probably get only once.

Stages_of_Life Brahmacharya Grihastha Vanaprastha Sannyasa
Age-span 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-
Aim of Life Dharma
- purpose, calling, god-given mission
- wealth, stuff, security
- enjoyment, desire
- Liberation
Focus of Life become established in our personal ethics, diet, and lifestyles
  1. practice what we learned in the first stage
  2. accumulate things we need to live well
  3. work on our security in the material world
  1. half of our life-fine has passed
  2. become more conscious that we need to leave at some point
  3. time to fulfill desires we have not time for
  1. associated with spiritual enlightenment
  2. liberation from illusion, physical bondage(death), and emotional bondage(ignorance)
  3. voluntary disengagement from the world
Modern Needs
  1. find the purpose of life
  2. find passion in life
  3. Exploring oneself
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Modern Constraints
  1. Limited time
  2. Information flood
  3. Distractions
  4. misconception, disbelief
  5. word-meaning, Assumptions
  6. limited perception
  7. wrong learning styles
  8. theoretical(impractical) knowledge
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Learning Resources
  1. Learning Concepts, fundamentals, phenomenon & theories
  2. choose mentor
  3. Adopt learning styles
  4. follow PDCA(Plan, do, check, Act) Cycles
  5. Adopt fail-fast system
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Skills Required
